PARAMEDIC LICENSURE AND ENFORCEMENT The EMS Authority operates the State Paramedic Licensure program. This program licenses and conducts disciplinary investigations of paramedics to ensure that the care they provide meets California’s high standards for prehospital care. Responsibilities for paramedic licensure … Continue reading →
DR. CONRAD MURRAY CONVICTED OF INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER, WILL LOSE LICENSE TO PRACTICE MEDICINE By EMS Guardian CEO and Attorney, Paul Goyette A Los Angeles County jury convicted Dr. Conrad Murray of involuntary manslaughter on Monday, November 7, 2011. Lost in all … Continue reading →
Paul Goyette, Managing Partner at G&A recently represented Chris Gold: CCSO’s Vice President in a criminal trial that would have cost him his career, reputation and entire way of life. To watch the video on YouTube, click Criminal Trial Client Testimonial